Thank you for your interest in the Early Childhood Care and Education Services at UCSB.

In the fall of 1970, a parent cooperative - the University Children's Center - began on West Campus and served approximately 60 families.

Mission & Values
We are committed to striving for the highest standards in early care and education programs and, in so doing, supporting the children, families, and students of UCSB.
Service to the University
The center provides quality child care and education for a wide age range of children whose parents study, teach, or work at the University.
Meet Our Staff
The program is committed to building a strong and caring community between children, teachers, parents, administrators and other involved members by fostering relationships that are supportive, respectful and nurturing.

Accreditation & Licensing
ECCES is licensed by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division and has been accredited since 1990 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Parent Engagement
We support and encourage parental involvement in the program and activities at ECCES. Social gatherings are planned several times a year to provide families with an opportunity to become more familiar with each other and the Center.

Parent Council
The Parent Council is comprised of parents who volunteer to support the mission of Early Childhood Care & Education Services and serve as a resource and advisor to the Director and teaching staff.