ECCES is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our educational practices. Teachers strive to model and foster the four goals of anti-bias education

  1. Nurture the development of a positive identity in each child
  2. Promote each child's ability to interact with people who are different from themselves
  3. Foster each child's critical thinking about bias
  4. Cultivate each child's ability to stand up for themselves and for others in the face of bias

ECCES demonstrates an ongoing commitment to integrate an anti-bias philosophy into every aspect of its program. Because children live in a diverse and complex world, they interact daily with people different from themselves. Anti-bias curriculum is a process to help children develop and strengthen their self-identity and group identities, while interacting respectfully with others in a multicultural environment. Anti-bias curriculum is a proactive approach to reduce bias, eliminate prejudice, and promote inclusiveness. The teaching staff at ECCES guide the children enrolled in our program to think critically about unfairness and to stand up for themselves and others in the face of bias. The anti-bias approach is teaching strategy that values diversity and challenges bias, rather than ignoring and therefore reinforcing children's misunderstandings of differences. The anti-bias philosophy is a commitment to address societal bias and practice our value for diversity in a developmentally appropriate way. ECCES strives to balance its unique culture with the individual cultural interests of each family served. Respect for the center's diverse community is reflected in the curriculum, classroom environments, parent/teacher/child interactions, staff development, hiring plans, and program goals.